Credo Prayer Day

Pray for Credo’s mission in the year ahead!
As part of Credo’s “Pre-season” events, we’d love you to be praying for the massive year we have ahead!
Day 2: 16th February 2024
Here are some more things to pray for:
- Pray for the Credo hosted Launch days this coming Monday and Tuesday (Feb 19th & 20th), as we host a uni “festival” to kick off lectures starting. Pray for smooth hosting / organising, and lots of contacting with new students and gospel conversations.
- Ask God to spread the good news of Jesus at UTS this year, among staff and students (both local and international)
- Pray for the Credo short term team for 2024, preparing to head to Indonesia in July. Ned as she leads, with Kelly, Jessica, Annalise, Jack and Tom.
- Room bookings at Uni for Credo use can often be haphazard and put pressure on our leaders and disrupt the smooth running of our activities. May God provide wisdom and agility if and when needed.
- Praise God for UTS being open and willing to have Credo run events on campus.
- Pray for classes and professors would effectively teach and equip students in their studies and fields of learning.
- Pray for the UTS management committee and executives, to make decisions that would direct the university towards being a place that fosters a community of learning, exploring and engagement with the world.
Day 1: 8th February 2024
Here are some things to pray for:
- That God will lead us to meet many first-year Christians to welcome into Credo, and many others who are open to exploring Jesus.
- That Credo will be united in the Spirit during this coming session and beyond, representing Jesus in how we love each other as Christ loved us. (John 13:34-35).
- That our motivations for sharing Jesus would be from a posture of love, respect and honouring of God rather than for ourselves.
- That the activity of cults and other hindrances to the gospel going forth at UTS will be limited and curtailed, protecting vulnerable people from spiritual harm.
- Growing in boldness & awareness of evangelistic opportunities with our peers and those on campus.
- God to be at work in and through Grow Groups, PLUS communities, Prime (Credo’s training community), CoMissions, Meet Jesus events, Connect stalls, ETC, and Trio’s in drawing people to know and follow Him.