Credo seeks to serve the whole of UTS – including staff, academics and postgraduate students.
Who we are
CAPS (Christianity for Academics, Postgrads, and Staff) is a community for everyone in the university who is not a coursework student. That includes academic staff, postgraduate students (PhD’s and research masters students), and all the professional staff at the university.
We seek to love and serve this community, in particular by presenting them with the good news about Jesus, regardless of your background or current beliefs. Doing research or working at the university can be challenging, so we’d love to support you in prayer and by connecting you with other CAPS members. We also like to contemplate what impact the Christian faith has on our work and lives.
What we do
- Grow groups: we meet in small group(s) of no more than 8 to read the Bible.
- Prayer groups: people working in similar fields meet together to pray for their school/faculty/office.
- Individual pastoral support: even if you’re unable to come to other things, we’d love to simply catch up over a coffee, read the Bible, and pray for you.
- Investigating Jesus: exploring the Christian faith? We’re happy to meet with you in an informal, casual, 1-on-1 type situation if that’s best for you.
- Various all-in events for the whole community: ranging from a casual meal together to being trained to better engage with the wider university.
How to get connected
For more information or to sign up, please email [email protected]. Alternatively, fill in the form below.