Engineering & IT

Faculty Network: Engineering & IT (EngIT)
Who we are
We’re the Engineering and IT faculty within Credo. We cover all courses that are part of the FEIT at UTS.
What we do
- Grow Groups – One of the best things we do during semester is to meet up for about an hour every week in Grow Groups. We read the bible and spend time with other Christians. Sign up for one here.
- Socials – During the semester EngIT runs socials. These are a great way to meet people within your faculty at Credo. These socials are usually laser tag, bowling, picnics or barbeques.
- Getaway – During the break between the Autumn and Spring semester we run a FacNet getaway. This is where we as a FacNet go away for a weekend to learn from God’s word, chill and get to know each other better.
- Prayer – As everyone’s timetables are different, we meet up in prayer triplets or pairs, with other people from ENGIT to pray for each other, UTS and for the world.
How to get connected
Find us on Facebook.
Feel free to email us at [email protected].