Serving at Credo
Add an extra dimension to your life in Credo.

WANTED: People to serve!
There are plenty of ways to get involved and serve in the life and mission of Credo as we seek to invite everyone at UTS to explore the magnificent truth of Jesus with us. One way to further that mission is to join a Credo ministry team.
Ministry teams
Click on each team to see what’s involved, and get in touch with us via the expression of interest form if you’d like more information.

Our two PLUS communities run weekly during semester and include some introductory activities, hearing testimonies from our classmates, a faculty or country highlight, and a short talk from the Bible. The two teams, Wednesday and International, help make all of these things happen each week.

The PLUS events are special gatherings run by a separate team of creative people who are passionate about sharing Jesus in engaging and thought-provoking ways. PLUS events are sometimes planned in conjunction with other UTS clubs, and complement the regular PLUS programme.

The Connect Team oversees the running of our Connect activities - making connections on campus in creative and engaging ways, usually through a stall with a thought-provoking question or through walk-up evangelism. You’ll need a passion for sharing Jesus with people on campus and availability to do so on Tuesdays.

Help get the news out to those on campus about everything Credo, by promoting our events and activities through the posters your friends will see as they make their way to their classes. The Prayer and Postering team also get together to pray for our campus at weekly prayer meetings, where anyone is encouraged to join!

Social media is an integral part of how Credo promotes and shares our events in the online space. Be a part of a team which creates and publishes content to communicate Credo’s mission on campus.

The Digital Media team is responsible for providing all of Credo’s photos and videos for the social media team to use on our public-facing communications across all of our social media platforms, including on our website, Facebook and Instagram.

Our Design team makes things look great! If this expression of interest form has left you reeling from design cringe, then the design team might be for you. The design team also looks after all of the graphics for our promotional material, our print, web and social media communications, and our Grow Group booklets.

Get your hands dirty with all things tech related - help keep our website updated and maintained, innovate and implement new technologies where available, and squash all the bugs when they pop up.

The conferences team makes our big Credo-wide conferences possible. The team is in charge of helping organise, plan and coordinate our annual Easter Time Convention, and also helps manage Credo’s participation in the AFES National Training Event in December.
NB: Our Conferences Team serves from mid-2024 until mid-2025, and is currently full. However, we will be looking to form a new Conferences Team in mid-2025!
Expressions of interest
Other ways to serve
In addition to these ministry teams, there are other service roles within Credo (eg. Grow Group and Faculty leading, Committee). If you’d like more info about these roles, please speak to your faculty staff worker.
Did you know, Credo also has a Ministry Apprenticeship program? For more details, please email